Pause + Pray

Freedom in Forgiveness

mother and daughter hugging and forgiving each other.


Sometimes, the hardest person to forgive can be yourself. We’re often ready to let go of the wrongs others have committed against us but stubbornly hold on to our guilt about our own sins. Ask God to guide you to healthier place.


I’m angry, Lord.
Not at a family member,
coworker, or friend,
but at myself.
In ways big and small,
I’ve sinned
throughout my life,
and I can’t seem
to let go
of the guilt.
I ask for your forgiveness,
but also for the peace and strength
that comes with forgiving myself.


Identify a wrong you’ve done that you can’t seem to get past, and allow these words to sink in to your mind: “God loves me and wants me to be happy. Forgiving myself allows me to accept his love and desire for me to live joyously.”

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.