It took falling off a horse and becoming temporarily blind for him to hear the voice of Christ. Then his sight and strength were renewed when the Lord realized that Saul’s heart was converted and made anew. This conversion moment was so colossal that the Lord gave him a new name, Paul. Falling off the horse is the wake-up call, and getting back on the horse renewed is the first act of discipleship.
God, you gave us an example of the journey:
from persecutor to pursuer, from punisher to penitent,
from power to poverty.
Knock me down when I am acting blindly.
Renew my heart and give me new vision.
Give my heart awareness of constant conversion
through daily struggles, momentous joys, and the monotonous mundane.
Search me, O God, and call me by name.
St. Paul, pray for us.
Recall a time in life when you felt in the dark and blind. What conversion—big or small—came from that experience? Commit to that conversion again today.