Pause + Pray

Give Me the Holy Boldness of Francis

red neon sign saying "I am bold"


One of the most well-known saints is St. Francis of Assisi, the founder of the Franciscan order. St. Francis is known for many things—his holy boldness to embody the Gospel, respect for all living creatures, ecumenical spirit, and passionate zeal. While you and I may not be called to what Francis was, God can and wants to use us in mighty ways in our spheres of influence.


God of all living things,
Your son Francis has so many lessons to teach us living in the modern world.
Help me to see the needs of others around me
and respond with a generous spirit in the moment.
Fill me with some of that “holy boldness” that you inspired in Francis.


Look for an opportunity to serve another person today or find a way to support the work of the Franciscan order in your local community.

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