Pause + Pray

Giving Yourself to God 

woman praying


Scripture tells us quite often that God is not in need of our sacrifices. Not our tithes, not our penances, not even our Lenten fasts. But giving yourself to God may not look the same for everybody. For Mother Teresa, it meant going to live with the poorest of the poor in Calcutta. For Thomas Aquinas, it meant study and the life of an academic. For Zellie and Louis Martin, it meant marriage and children. If you gave your life to God, what would that mean? How would it change the way you lived?


Heavenly Father,
I come before you with all that I am.
All that I have, and all that I need comes from you.
Here I am, Lord.
I am yours.


Set aside time today to ponder what it means to give yourself to God. Hold nothing back; offer God your work, your family, your dreams, and your disappointments.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.