Think about letting go a bit. When was the last time you let yourself be silly, play around, be goofy? As children, we did this freely and without hesitation. Can you use the word “joy” more often in your everyday life?
Today I long
to take a breather
from the constant focus
on the “have-tos”,
the “to do list,”
the weekly calendar,
the monthly bills,
the daily chores
and reminders.
I know I can stay on task
and yet also
greet more joy
on this journey.
This is
your will for me,
to give
and receive joy,
to fully blossom.
Can I be less serious,
less fretful,
can I open
to more fullness
in the perfect rays
of your unfailing love?
Help me
to hold back nothing.
There are times we just need to let down our pride and dance—right now, right here. Today, let the kid inside you whirl around for a while.