Pause + Pray

Hiding in Plain Sight


Love might seem like an intense concept when we think of the deep love between spouses, the love parents have for their children, or the love of country displayed by those in the military. But it can also be found in the tiniest details of our daily lives: a door held open for another person; a kind word or smile to someone who really needs one; a generous tip left for a restaurant worker.


God of love,
inspire me to spread your light around me,
to not resist it because it might be seen by others as corny
or for fear that I will be rejected.
Like St. Francis, I want to be a holy fool. 
Help me to pay no mind if I’m laughed at for it
or told that I’m wasting my time.
May I tune out the noise and focus
on the beauty and simplicity of loving others.
Your son showed us how to do that.
St. Francis and other holy people have continued down that path.
Grant me the courage to do the same.


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