Pause + Pray

I Want the Light

Woman holding bright lights in her hand


In John 3:19, we read, “The light came into the world, but the people preferred darkness to light.”


Dear Jesus,
Because of your sacrifice on the cross, we do not need to fear the light.
You have brought all our sins into the light of salvation.
We can come to you and receive tenderness and forgiveness
instead of judgment and condemnation.
Our sins do not define us or keep us in the dark.
We can walk in the light, Jesus, because we are yours.


Spend a few minutes today basking in the light. It can be the sunshine outdoors or the table lamp at your desk. Concentrate on the sensation of the brightness in your eyes and, if possible, the warmth it provides.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.