Today, envision the picture created by these lines from Psalm 141: “Let my prayer be incense before you; my uplifted hands an evening offering.” What do you see? What are your needs today? Who are you praying for?
How exquisite to see my prayers as sweetly burning
and rising in the air around me,
swirling and circling upward, softly blowing higher in the sky.
Reaching up to you on their journey,
floating, light and magical.
And how precious to allow my prayer to be so simple as to call to you
at the end of the day with my hands uplifting, rising toward you.
Thank you for this ease.
Slow down today, take the time to light a candle or a stick of incense, and watch how the smoke rises. Think of all the times your prayers have risen when you’ve lit a candle and prayed for someone you love.