Pause + Pray

Leaving Security Behind

Man sitting and meditating on his past.


When we pack for a journey, many of us over pack. Too many socks, extra underwear, I better bring a second pair of shoes, just one more book, maybe an extra toothbrush—just in case. We desperately try to plan for any situation, avoid any difficulties or discomforts. But, when Jesus sends the disciples out on their own, he tells them: Don’t bring anything. No carry-on luggage, no baggy of snacks, not even an extra pair of sandals. Leave it all behind, and just go. That kind of spontaneity and vulnerability can be very distressing to our over-planned lives today. But if we are to bear witness to the love of God, it seems almost essential.


Give me the heart and the will to trust in you, oh Lord.
And let that trust be my witness to your love.


The gate is small, the way is narrow, and we don’t want to get stuck carrying too much baggage, so starting today, let go of something from your past. A memory, a hurt that still haunts you, some embarrassment that still makes you blush. Let it go. Give it to God. Say to the Lord, I give you this. And then name whatever it is. And truly let it go. It is yours to carry no more. Be as specific as you can and as honest as you can. And let yourself feel the blessing of lightness, the blessing of letting go.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.