When we think of the words of carols, “Come, Let Us Adore Him” is a favorite, repeated chorus. It brings us a feeling of joy to adore. And if we gaze at Jesus this way throughout the year, not only during Advent, we align ourselves with the pure heart of Mary, who adored him first.
Today, no matter the pressures, the tedious circumstances,
let us open our hearts to adoring God, here in this place where
the light of his love expands, eternally, within us.
Where his innocence infinitely illuminates fresh hope.
Every day—today—we can gaze upon the Beloved, more fully.
Everything we long for awaits, precious, within us.
Let’s adore this treasure, all year.
The Nativity is one of the Joyful Mysteries of the rosary. Say a decade of Hail Mary’s, and let yourself really imagine the glowing radiance of this mystery.