“…they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions” Lk 2:46.
The fifth joyful mystery of the rosary is the “Finding Jesus in the Temple.” It is the famous scene of the child Jesus, separated from his parents. When Mary and Joseph find their son, he is sitting in the temple, listening to the elders and asking questions. Not preaching, not arguing, not engaging in a theological debate, but listening and asking.
Let me learn from your example;
when I am having a difficult conversation,
give me the humility to let others speak;
to ask questions, and to truly listen
to their answers.
The next time you are talking with someone, ask a question. Something like: How did that make you feel? What did you think about that? Why? Don’t worry about whether your question is “important,” instead think of it as a kind of blessing; you are giving the other person an opportunity to feel valued, to share what God has given them.