When someone takes the time to listen to us, to hear our concerns, our stories, our dreams, we feel valued. We feel wanted, that we matter and belong. That feeling is something we all hunger for. Whether it is a small child wanting to show us something, or a friend wanting to tell us about her morning, or a stranger coming to ask for help, when we stop what we are doing and listen to them, we are giving them a piece of our day, a bit of our time, a part of our very life. And if we are sincere and really pay attention, we let them know they are worth it.
I thank you with all my heart
For you have listened to my cry,
you listen to my laughter and you listen to my tears
you even listen when I am singing in the shower.
And you never grow tired of my voice.
In your eyes, I know I am loved,
and in your love I know that I matter.
Let me be a sign of that love
for others.
Sacrifice part of your life today; take a moment to give yourself fully to another. Offer them—even if just for a minute or two—your undivided attention. If you are working on something, stop what you are doing and look up to see them not as a distraction, not as a problem to be dealt with, but as the face of God coming before you. Let yourself be blessed by the gift of their presence and by the blessing of serving another.