Television commercials and social media ads bombard us with ideas that make us feel inferior and ugly. But we are not ugly. We are beautifully made by God’s loving hands and in God’s image.
Dear God,
Thank you for the body you have given me and the life it has helped me live.
My facial wrinkles tell the story of the many times I’ve laughed and smiled.
My grey hair and age spots remind me I have been lucky enough to live a long life.
My stretch marks and flabby belly reflect the three pregnancies
that gave me healthy, beautiful daughters.
My varicose veins are gifts from a long, fulfilling career standing on my feet.
Living long enough to grow old is a gift, and all these bodily changes are gifts too.
Thank you, God.
Spend a few minutes standing in front of a mirror. Look carefully at the body parts you don’t like and make friends with them. They are part of the miracle of your life and part of the body God has specifically chosen for you.