Pause + Pray

Magnifying God

woman praising God


In response to John the Baptist’s prenatal greeting, Mary of Nazareth gives glory to God. She exclaims, “My soul magnifies the Lord!” Mary recognizes God’s bountiful gift of life and God’s vision of justice for humankind. She affirms God’s work in her life in the child she is expecting. Like Mary, our spirits soar when we give thanks for God’s blessings. When we magnify God, we put God first in our lives, and let God’s vision determine our agenda. Let us give thanks for John the Baptist, Jesus our savior, and God’s presence in our lives.


Loving and Creative God,
My soul magnifies you, and I give you praise,
For the galaxies and this good earth,
For the gift of life, and your guidance in the challenges I face,
For the gift of vision that challenges me to seek justice and healing
In my relationships and our nation.
My soul magnifies you as I put you first, listening and then following
Your will in every situation,
That I might be your companion in giving birth to new creation on this good earth.


I grew up singing the song “Blessed Assurance,” which called us to live “praising our Savior all the day long.” Live gratefully throughout the day, praising God in every situation, and sharing God’s love in every encounter. Let your life witness to God’s vision of Shalom in thought, word, and deed.

Bruce Epperly

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