Pause + Pray

May Peace on Earth Begin with Me

hands releasing a white peace dove


While many of us are still enjoying the celebration of the New Year, January 1 is also known as the World Day of Peace. On this day, all people of the human family acknowledge and pray to take action-centered steps forward to a more peaceful world for all.


God of Peace,
I pray for peace in our hurting and troubled world.
Let peace begin and breathe through me—
in my intentions, thoughts, words, actions, attitudes.
The only way evil can flourish is for good-willed people to stand by and do nothing.
Fill me with your passion and wisdom to I stand up for peace.


Where do you most need to be an instrument of God’s peace in your life? Ask for the grace to bring peace wherever you are called or sent.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.