Pause + Pray

Mealtime Prayer

Two kids praying with folded hands before meal


Most of know the dinnertime prayer by heart: “Bless us, O Lord and these thy gifts. . . .” But consider for a moment the many hands that made the plate of food in front of you possible. Without them, where would we be?


Bountiful God,
I am grateful for the food I am about to eat,
but let me not forget the farmers who grow it,
the workers who package it, and those who deliver and sell it.
Bless them, O Lord,
for without their work, life would be a much harder road.
Keep safe those who toil in the fields
to bring nourishment to body and spirit.


Many who had a hand in your meal work under inhuman conditions and for little pay. Learn about the plight of migrant or seasonal farmworkers by going here.

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