Pause + Pray

Meditating upon the Core

view of the sky from above the clouds


For St. Bonaventure, his structure for reality began with the Trinity: the self-diffusive, creative force of love shared in relationship between the Father, Spirit, and Son. What would it look like to imitate this same dynamic in our own lives?


You are the fount of goodness and love.
Help me flow like you do.
You are a creative force, loving all into existence.
Help me create from that centered space. 
You are relationship at the core reflected in the perfect unity
between Father, Spirit, and Son.
Guide me with family, friends, strangers as we, too, move toward unity.
You are dynamic in self-giving.
Help me open my own heart and mind to serve and give and trust
How you desire to flow through me.


You don’t have to be a philosopher or intellectual to consider the structure or metaphysics of reality. Contemplating the truth of reality can help anchor us in our values and spiritual truths we have discovered. What do you believe is at the core or life itself? How does this impact your faith and how you live your life?

Nourishing Love 2


1 thought on “Meditating upon the Core”

  1. We love you, O our God; and we desire to love you more and more. Grant to us that we may love you as much as we desire, and as much as we ought. O dearest friend, who has so loved and saved us, the thought of whom is so sweet and always growing sweeter, come with Christ and dwell in our hearts; that you keep a watch over our lips, our steps, our deeds, and we shall not need to be anxious either for our souls or our bodies. Give us love, sweetest of all gifts, which knows no enemy. Give us in our hearts pure love, born of your love to us, that we may love others as you love us. O most loving Father of Jesus Christ, from whom flows all love, let our hearts, frozen in sin, cold to you and cold to others, be warmed by this divine fire. So help and bless us in your Son. (Prayer of Anselm, 1033-1109)

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