St. Francis changed the world with his Gospel-infused spirituality, but he was also free to be an itinerant. His sister in faith, Clare, was just as effective in evangelizing without ever leaving San Damiano. She proves that through holiness, prayer, and service, you can move mountains.
God of love,
Clare of Assisi lived an outwardly quiet life,
but moved countless hearts in your direction.
She proves to me that stillness can produce
miracles—that holiness is in me, wherever I am.
She understood that we are all living, breathing Gospels.
Thank you for luminaries like Clare,
who lived simply, loved loudly, and prayed ceaselessly.
May we model her life of simple grace.
Click here for a novena in honor of St. Clare of Assisi. Spend the next nine days with this cherished woman of God.