Pause + Pray

Mindful, Prayerful, Grateful

Tree surrounded by morning fog


In the hustle of daily life, how often do you take a pause to appreciate the now? How present are you in this moment? Let this prayer be a reminder to thank God for the gift of peace in your heart.


God of all that is good,
though the world is in turmoil,
I need to savor the now—
to live in the present moment
and not long for yesterday
or fear what may come tomorrow.
Let me never waste a moment
to thank you with an open heart
for the countless blessings that
surround me.
Passing or permanent,
every moment of grace in my
life begins with you.


We can only control what we can control. But a reminder of our blessings is always in order. Share this prayer with somebody whose battered heart could be helped through prayer.

Pause+Pray book

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.