Pause + Pray

Models of Gratitude

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Sometimes we’re graced to be around a truly grateful person. He or she overlooks the negatives to focus on the world’s abundant delights. Poverty or pain doesn’t detract from their joy in God and creation. People want to be around them, to become as thankful as they are.


Giver of all good gifts,
thank you
for placing people
in our lives
who enflesh
the meaning of gratitude.

They take delight
in the smallest,
most ordinary things,
showing us how
to appreciate daily blessings, too.
Without them,
gratitude might simply be
an abstraction.
With their example,
we learn how
to practice it too. Amen.


Phone or write a note, text or email to someone you’ve always appreciated, but seldom thanked.

Kathy Coffey

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