Pause + Pray

Moments of Silence

woman wearing a hat walking on a path


Philosopher Alfred North Whitehead asserts that religion begins with times of solitude. Life is social but we also need to get away. We need moments each day to pause and be still so that we can hear God’s voice amid the chaos and complexity of our lives. Peace is just a moment away for those who take time to be still and know that God is with us. You can find peace on a busy day by taking a few moments in the morning and evening for prayer and contemplation and pausing throughout to go inward to experience God’s inspiration and peach in your life. Peace is just a moment away.


God of silence and storm,
You are present each moment of my life,
In solitude and in a crowd.
Still, I need moments of quiet to listen for your still small voice
Speaking within the events of my life.
Help me find a quiet place each day to calm my spirit
So that might return to the world as an instrument of your peace.


Today, set aside several minutes for solitude. Realizing that solitude is a challenge for those with responsibilities at home and work, inventory your day to find moments when you can be alone. Pause and breathe deeply God’s presence. Pray for your loved ones and responsibilities. Then return with a spirit of spaciousness, patience, and helpfulness for everyone you meet.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.