Pause + Pray

My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation

Man holding a bible while reading


Have you ever waited and waited for something important in your life? Consider the story of holy Simeon—who experienced a revelation that he would be graced with the gift of his eyes resting on Israel’s Savior before his death. “It had been revealed to [Simeon] by the holy Spirit that he should not see death before he had seen the Messiah of the Lord” (Lk 2:26). When Simeon saw baby Jesus in the Temple, he knew that the promised moment had arrived. His waiting was done. His life felt complete.


Oh holy Simeon,
Please pray for me, that I also might recognize
the Holy Spirit’s messages in my heart.
Pray that I too might listen.
Pray that I might be patient
and recognize the holy gifts that come my way.


Read Simeon’s story in Luke 2:22–35—only nine verses long! Consider challenging yourself to a “holy Simeon novena” by reading one verse a day for nine days. Take in the footnotes, if desired, and ask Simeon to pray for your intentions.

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