Pause + Pray

Open 24/7

person in front of a open twenty four hours neon sign.


At St. Edmund’s Retreat on Enders Island, on Long Island Sound, the sea-facing Chapel of Our Lady of Assumption is open 24/7. How rare it is, in these current times, to find a church that provides constant refuge. What thoughts and feelings come to you when you imagine a sacred dwelling that welcomes you with its front doors perpetually open?


In this world where pharmacies, casinos and fast-food are available round-the-clock
helps us find, beyond unending neon, your solace.
For you are the always-open door we pass through into peace,
the paschal candle, flame flickering, ever-lit.
You are the coral aurora filling all windows, the place we long to enter, ceaselessly.
God you are the place we never want to leave.


Take some time to remember the feelings from churches you have entered that have reached most deeply into your spirit. Perhaps these were churches where you were married, where your children were baptized, or holy sanctuaries along your travels.

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