We gather at holy and ordinary tables to connect, to be fed and nourished. What we taste, chew, and swallow feeds our bodies and strengthens us for prayer and service—for dwelling in God. Even while many are hungry, food is sacred and communal; sharing daily bread is a way to connect with Christ.
Bread of Life,
I thank you for the goodness of food.
As I eat my meals and consume my snacks,
may my body receive strength and power
to serve and love you.
As I am transformed
by your presence and power
upon the altar during holy Communion,
may I also be fed by the sacredness
of ordinary, daily bread.
The next time you bite into food, practice “mindful eating.” Say a prayer and pay attention to the sacredness of the ordinary act of consuming creation. Smell the food before you eat it. Pay attention to each sensation as the food meets your lips, as it connects with your tongue and as you chew. What is the texture of the food? How does it feel to swallow? For you, how is eating a holy experience?
2 thoughts on “Our Daily Bread”
I remember reading an article last week about a miracle at a Catholic church in Connecticut. They apparently had run out of Eucharists and then low and behold, the ciborium was miraculously replenished. How do you like that?
When I mentioned the story to my sister, she refused to believe it. Some people just refuse to believe in miracles for whatever reason. How sad. Thank God I can still see the world filled with possibilities and yes, the continued existence of God in our lives. Maybe that’s why I’m a happy camper.
Lord Jesus Christ, your love conquers all and never fails. Help us to love others freely, with heart-felt compassion, kindness and goodness. Where there is injury, may we sow peace rather than strife. Amen.