
A young man deciding on which of two paths to take.

Discerning God’s Path

As followers of St. Francis, we are called to walk in the footsteps of St. Francis, following the path of humility, simplicity, and radical love.
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The Blessing of Differences

We are all unique in so many different ways—our looks, nationalities, religions, and so much more. It is only when we come together that we create a beautiful image of Christ’s love.
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‘I Will Be With You’

Where are you struggling with fear and self-doubt? Where do you need a greater sense of God’s presence? God is with you in every life challenge and quest for justice.
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Stay Awake

Read Jesus’ warning found in Luke 21: “Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy.” Spend a moment recalling how physical fatigue is felt in your body.
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A Breath of Revival

We often find ourselves reflecting on the fear of the disciples in the upper room, but that is not the only part of the Pentecost story.
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St. Andrew’s Prayer

I can relate to St. Andrew—when the huge crowd of people had gathered, and there was nothing but a few fish and loaves of bread to be found, he fretted.
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Like a Child

Children so often simply want to spend time with their parent or guardian, following them as they go about their day. They don’t need another child-centered activity, or to be constantly entertained and distracted--they want to feel connection.
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