
hands holding a pile of cookies

How Much?

Sometimes life just feels like too much. Duties, obligations, responsibilities, problems, and worries are more than we can handle.
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Be Bold in Service

In the Gospels, Jesus is frequently depicted serving others. Our faith calls us to follow Christ’s loving example of service.
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Saving By Showing

After little Jacinta Marto became ill, the Blessed Virgin asked if she was willing to suffer further to convert more souls. Jacinta said she was—and did.
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Person with a bird eating out of their hand

Letting Go

Sometimes we imagine life going a certain way for us. However, sometimes God has a different plan. Let go of the life you imagined for the life God has ready for you.
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A Sense of Purpose

No matter what we do with our lives, there is always a purpose to our work. Just like every piece of a puzzle is important to the finished picture, our personal contribution is essential.
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Stumbling and Rising

Peter believed in Jesus’ forgiveness and love. Ask God to forgive you for yesterday’s sins—and forgive yourself as well.
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Lenten Pillar: Fasting

From what have you chosen to abstain during this Lent? Create a practical plan for how to uphold your commitment so that you may gain greater spiritual freedom.
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