
hands holding a pile of cookies

How Much?

Sometimes life just feels like too much. Duties, obligations, responsibilities, problems, and worries are more than we can handle.
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Praying with Bakhita

St. Josephine Bakhita forgave her enslavers because she understood something they could not: Love will always conquer hatred.
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Puzzle Pieces

Finding the puzzle's straight lines which hint at outer edges is a good way to get started putting it together.
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The Blessing of God’s Presence

With reflection we can see links between past and present, the whole web of our lives shining with God’s presence. God knew exactly what we needed and provided it.
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A Humble Heart

In order to learn anything, we must first accept our limitations. How can we be better Christians if we do not approach God with a humble heart?
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Do the Joy

Happiness may feel good in the moment, but it inevitably fades and disappears. Joy, on the other hand, is something we can experience in the long-term.
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Light to My Path

We are told as children not to be afraid of the dark. As we grow in age and wisdom, however, we understand that terrible things lurk in dark corners.
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