
hands holding a pile of cookies

How Much?

Sometimes life just feels like too much. Duties, obligations, responsibilities, problems, and worries are more than we can handle.
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Fed Up?

With God’s help, we can become more patient and accepting of frustrating situations. The next time you feel your patience running out, envision the Stations of the Cross.
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Cultivating Kindness

The world is divided, and kindness is in short supply. May this prayer be a reminder that Christ’s message is timeless and crucial—especially today.
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Living Fully in the Light

Sometimes it is not uncommon for little children to be afraid of the dark. While the darkness can feel scary or uncertain, the light brings clarity, a new way of seeing.
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Popularity Contest

Saint Faustina knew the only opinion that mattered was God’s, and she pushed on to fulfill his desire that she spread the message of divine mercy to the world. 
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Honoring the Divine Breath of Creation

God’s love for us cannot be separated from God’s love for creation. Let us honor the Divine breath that connects all living things through our actions as well as our words as we pray.
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‘This Is My Beloved Son…’

Regardless of the details, the habit of keeping a gratitude journal makes us more alert and sensitive. The more we seek things and people to record, the more grateful we become.
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