
Man praying with his eyes closed while holding a Bible and leaning against a wall

Mercy in the Face of Betrayal

Betrayal is a painful and deeply unsettling experience, one that challenges us to confront our own vulnerability and to navigate the complex terrain of human relationships with courage and grace.
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A Merry—and Prayerful—Christmas to You!

Christmas truly is a beautiful and holy day. Still, like all things in our spiritual life, it’s part of a continuum. Advent fades out as Christmas grows brighter.
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God’s Abiding Presence

When the church sanctuary is empty, the light still burns. It's good to know that Jesus remains in our holy place, even when the pews are vacant.
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The Holiness of Every Action

In times of frustration and doubt we can feel unseen, forgetting the value of our small actions toward both people and the creatures of the earth.
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Affirming Another

We can offset the tendency to get used to even the finest friend by deliberately affirming that person’s goodness in specific ways.
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Fear Not

In Luke 1:26–38, the angel Gabriel visits Mary. Before delivering the news that she would become pregnant, Gabriel prefaces the message by saying, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.”
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An Ever-Changing Faith

Throughout our lives, our faith is going to experience ebbs and flows. Over time it will grow, change, and even, at times, be challenged.
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