
Man praying with his eyes closed while holding a Bible and leaning against a wall

Mercy in the Face of Betrayal

Betrayal is a painful and deeply unsettling experience, one that challenges us to confront our own vulnerability and to navigate the complex terrain of human relationships with courage and grace.
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Forgiving with Bakhita

Josephine Bakhita said that if she met her torturers she would kiss their feet, for without them she would not have become a Christian or a woman religious.
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Empty bench facing the trees

Rain or Shine

A dark cloud may mean a welcome rain, but it seldom lifts my spirit to say an Alleluia. I want sunshine.
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Person holding an hourglass

Attention Gives Importance

Where we place our focus determines our attitude. When we start down a familiar mental rut (“Why do I get stuck with all the work around here?”), we can redirect that channel, finding something to appreciate.
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Family hugging each other with trees in background

(Re)Building Family Bonds

Family is at the core of our social structure. But sometimes we take our families for granted or even experience deep rifts with some of our loved ones.
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