
person riding a bike in the city,

Stewardship and Sustainability

St. Francis revered all creation as a gift from God, advocating for responsible stewardship of the earth. Embracing simplicity allows us to live in harmony with nature and future generations.
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A Holy Spirit Fruit Salad

The 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit are tangible evidence in a person’s life when they are living in the power and presence of Jesus.
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Spread Some Love

Love is so much broader than the narrow lens of romance. It can take on so many different forms and be expressed in so many different ways.
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Changed, Not Ended

As Christians we believe physical death does not hold the final answer. Life has not ended, but really begun in a new, powerful way.
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Mercy in the Midst of Melancholy

As hard as it is to cope with, whatever causes you sadness is a part of life and a hidden opportunity to get closer to God.
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The God Whisperer

St. Catherine of Siena didn't let her limitations or other obstacles get in the way of God’s plan. Her writings paint a powerful picture of God’s love for us.
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A Litany of Loved Ones

I have promised to pray for many—usually those who faced illness or sorrow. But my requests can also embrace the happy, healthy people in my circle of care.
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