
man with eyes closed, taking a deep breath while quietly meditating

Take a Breath

Breathing is the most basic thing we do in life, but it is likely also the thing we overlook the most. Try to inhale God's peace and exhale your anxieties.
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woman holding a iPad with a "Thank you" note on the screen

I’m Glad You’re Here

Thought leaders and self-help gurus from all walks of life and across the religious spectrum are touting the benefits and importance of being thankful more than ever. But there’s something to it; it’s not just a fad.
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woman, sad and abondend

Feeling Abandoned

Jesus knows what it feels like to be abandoned, to be cast out by friends, to be left alone to pick up the pieces. He knows this all too well, having experienced this deep wound of abandonment.
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man praying in silence

Christians of the Future

Although Father Karl Rahner was a world-class scholar, so much of his purpose as a theologian was to inspire an embrace of the mystical: to know God transcends knowing about God.
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man sitting at a beach, reflecting


Father Murray Bodo, OFM, discusses how the notion of journey has been a major theme in his writing and poetry.
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hands showing a empty wallet

St. Andrew’s Worry

I can relate to St. Andrew—when the huge crowd of people had gathered, and there was nothing but a few fish and loaves of bread to be found, he fretted.
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volunteers helping at a food bank serving meals

Called to Serve

In the Gospels, Jesus is frequently depicted serving others. Our faith calls us to follow Christ’s loving example of service.
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