Pause + Pray

Places for Prayer

Man outdoors with eyes closed


St. Francis often felt compelled to pull away from the busyness of the world, to find a place and time of quiet and prayerful reflection focused on God. One favorite prayer spot for St. Francis was a place called the Portiuncula—a small, abandoned chapel on the fringes of Assisi. These chunks of communion with God in this crumbling-yet-peaceful spot helped our good St. Francis to sense God and realize what really mattered.


St. Francis,
Pray for me:
That I may imitate your profound practice
of setting aside my worldly life from time to time,
in order to be with God more and to know him better.
Pray that I, like you, may also walk with God more closely
by basking in God’s presence in places that feel holy to me.


Ponder a secluded place where you often feel at peace. Your church? An adoration chapel? A nature hike? A quiet park? A nook in your bedroom? Your back porch? See if you can treat yourself to a slice of time there today to enrich your prayer life and connect with God.

Lent with Saint Clare series

3 thoughts on “Places for Prayer”

  1. I really appreciate this message.
    Lately finding any time and space seems impossible as my tranquil place is my garden and it’s a long dark dreary winter where I live.
    Disability means long walks etc.are not an option and here in the UK churches are locked when no service is taking place .
    Nevertheless my bedroom is my chapel and my sacred time is in the middle of the night ….my heart goes out to folks who have no ‘ sanctuary ‘.
    Let’s all say a prayer for them!

    1. Indeed a helpful message amongst the busyness of life. I am thankful for our long summer days in the UK; they are a joy in the garden. Even in the North East now, bulbs are starting to bloom and trees bud … signs of spring are slowly among us! God bless

  2. Lord Jesus Christ, you alone can satisfy the hunger in our lives. Fill us with grateful joy and eager longing for the true heavenly bread which gives health, strength, and wholeness to body and soul alike. Amen.

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