Pause + Pray

Prayer for Priests

a priest holding a rosary while praying


Have you known a priest (or priests) along your journey who has helped transform your faith, trust, and hope? Think today about the priests along your path; feel the gratitude for what they have given you.


Bless all the priests who are working such long hours,
often the only priest in the parish (or several combined),
ministering to so many in need, or wearing so many hats,
constantly traveling, yearning for a pause, for a day of rest at home.
Pressing forward even amid their own sorrows and burdens, leading the flock.
Give them the refreshment they need.
Help them know their work matters deeply to many.
That their lives dedicated to Christ are making a difference, even if,
like the Holy Spirit, it cannot be seen.
Bless them, always.


Is there a priest or two who might not know that they helped you? Reach out to them and let them know that their work has made a difference, and that you pray for their peace.

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