The political infighting in this country worsens by the week. Now is the right time to ask ourselves: Am I part of the problem or the solution?
God of all,
The noise in this country is deafening.
Kindness and understanding have yielded to suspicion and anger.
But I will not add my voice to the chorus of unrest.
Rather, I will quietly pray that the fractures within the bones
of this country begin to heal.
Let my prayer find the hearts of those who are troubled and lost.
May this prayer remind them that we are Christian first and foremost:
one body of Christ.
St. Paul VI said, “If you want peace, work for justice.” Look into volunteer opportunities or ways to help the less fortunate. Let us all be a part of the solution.
1 thought on “Problems and Solutions”
Lord Jesus Christ, let your word take root in our hearts and may your all-consuming love transform our lives that we may sow what is good, worthy, and pleasing to you. Amen.