On my walk today, I saw a young woman training for a marathon. Her husband rode his bike beside her, gently encouraging her with his words as they went. He reminded me that Jesus always walks alongside us, encouraging, strengthening, and cheering us on our paths.
Holy Spirit,
Thank you for walking beside me and coaching me on the marathon of my life,
helping me go farther than I can on my own.
Thank you for whispering in my heart the support I need
to avoid temptation and be the person you designed me to be.
I want to say, as St. Paul did:
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith” (2 Tim 4:7).
Spend a few minutes meditating on running. Imagine the wind in your hair, your arms pumping, and your feet touching down heel to toe. Then, picture Jesus beside you, smiling, encouraging, and loving you.