Scripture tells us that those who seek the Lord “lack no good thing.” (Ps 34:11) But the absolute certainty of such a verse may feel a little strange to our modern ear. Reading it, we may find ourselves a little put off. Head shaking, we may want to dismiss it as overly simplistic. Ponder those words for a moment. Take them seriously. What does it mean to lack no blessing? Is it a promise of earthly success and comfort? Or could the psalmist simply be reminding us of a truth we may have missed: the value of seeking.
Blessed Virgin Mary,
You who were full of grace and blessed among women.
Guide me today to seek the Lord with my whole heart
and not to let earthly distractions keep me from receiving
the fullness of God’s blessing.
Set aside 30 minutes today to seek the Lord in His Word. Open your Bible to the first chapter of Luke and let the words bless you; let them speak to you personally. One verse or image may stand out to you; write it down. Why does it stand out to you? What does it bring to mind? Repeat it in your head, slowly. Let that phrase become a kind of prayer. What does this story of Mary and the angel and the birth of Jesus reveal to you about God’s seeking and about the blessedness that comes from it?