Pause + Pray

St. Titus: An Encouraging Friend

two men hugging, encouraging each other.


While in Macedonia, St. Paul wrote about the happy arrival of St. Titus. Times were difficult for Paul; he doesn’t enumerate his problems, but we know he was experiencing “external conflicts” and “internal fears.” With slow and steady reading, one can almost feel the relief that Titus brought to his “downcast” friend though his visit. Later, Titus would become the Bishop of Crete. “But God . . . encouraged us by the arrival of Titus” (2 Cor 7:6).


St. Titus,
Help me to know when to assist someone in my life
who is experiencing “external conflicts” and “internal fears,”
someone who is feeling downcast.
Pray that I—like St. Titus—might also say the right words
and do the right things.
Pray that I might be a spiritually encouraging friend.


Consider people you know who—like St. Paul—are generous with their talents. Be aware that they are bound to have trials. Try to be there and offer a bit of genuine encouragement when they stumble into a difficult season of life.

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