Pause + Pray

Staying Close


Elijah heard God in the simplest whisper, not in the cataclysmic, earth-shattering events. One can witness a storm, a fire, an earthquake from far away and see their impact. One can only hear a whisper if the speaker is close.


All-powerful God, you are so close,
you never leave my side.
Attune my ears to hear your words,
even the slightest of whispers.
I feel your proximity, I feel your gentle nudge,
I feel your warm hug, I feel your comforting hand.
You are with me today, tomorrow, and always.


Read the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 19:11–21, and put yourself in Elijah’s shoes (or sandals?). How is God moving you? How do you respond to God’s voice?

Pause and Pray from Franciscan Media


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