Pause + Pray

Take a Breath

man with eyes closed, taking a deep breath while quietly meditating


Breathing is the most basic thing we do in life, but it is likely also the thing we most overlook. Let these moments of prayer serve as an acknowledgement of the miracle that is being alive.


O Breath of Heaven,
slow me down to notice my own breathing.
Help me listen to the sound of air
and feel my body relax and awaken.
I praise you for the life pulsing through my body,
and the way that attending to my breath
can regulate my nervous system.
I inhale your peace.
I exhale my anxieties.
And I find rest in your breath flowing through me.


Try this exercise for breath work. Sit with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor. Inhale for four seconds, hold the breath for seven seconds, and exhale for eight seconds. Repeat for one minute. Learn how to be still.

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