Pause + Pray

Teaching and Learning From Each Other

potter hands forming clay


Each of us has a divine purpose. To that end, God places people and situations in your life for a reason. Sometimes that reason is to teach you a lesson of some kind. In fact, God may be using you to draw someone else closer to him right now and you don’t even know it. God uses each of us to teach us something about himself and his love for us.


Lord, every moment is an opportunity to teach and to be taught.
Guide our lessons and actions to be rooted in you.
Open our minds to always emphasize you.
Give us the wisdom to learn from our mistakes
to lead better lives—but most importantly, to live as a witness.


“The Teacher is always silent during the test” is a phrase that continues to float around, but still rings true. Talk with someone about something that you’ve learned recently or about someone who has made a great impact on you lately.

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