Today we sit among our family members and break bread. Of all the national holidays, Thanksgiving bears the most resemblance to the Last Supper. Today–as was the case in the Upper Room—a meal is central to the event. Everyone in the room knows each other and has a great deal of history together. And just like the Last Supper, there is darkness amid the joy of gathering. There are grudges and misunderstandings, damaged relationships and hurt feelings. But also just like the Last Supper, there is hope for a better world.
God of bounty, you give us so much,
our very lives and our relationships with each other
stem from your generosity.
Teach us, over and over again, to say thank you—
not only to you but to each other.
Today, let us call to mind that gratitude is not our default.
We have to work at it.
Today, with a veritable feast on the table before us,
may we practice a most sincere giving of thanks.
Today is for family and food. Enjoy! Tomorrow, however, instead of looking for the latest Black Friday deals, find a charity to spend on.