Pause + Pray

The God We Think We Know

A person reading the Bible


In the Parable of the Talents, one of the three servants hides his master’s money because he is afraid. He has heard that the master is a hard man who reaps where he has not sewn and gathers where he has never scattered. And so he fears him. How often is our relationship with God like that? Based on fear? We are afraid of God, because we’ve heard he is out to get us, to judge us, to punish us. But like the servant in the parable, do we really know the one we serve? 


Dear Lord,
creator of all things, 
you knitted me in my mother’s womb, 
and you died for me upon a cross,
all that I have comes from you. 
There is nowhere you can reap
That you have not already sewn.
Let me never be afraid of your love or your mercy.


Take out your Bible and read the Parable of the Talents (Mt 25:14-30). Contemplate the servant’s description of the master and ask yourself what it reveals about the servant, and what the parable reveals about the master. Does the servant really know the one he serves? Do we really know God? Only if we truly know the son.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.