Pause + Pray

The Great Outdoors

woman hiking in the mountains carrying a backpack


There is a part of God’s Self that can only be communicated to us through nature. Whether we are taking a hike or merely walking down a sidewalk, may we accept the invitation to experience our Creator in the great outdoors.


O Divine Presence, make me attentive to the ways you speak to me
through nature and all life forms.
Help me prioritize communing with you
in the great cathedral of the outdoors, knowing that you reveal yourself here
in ways ever fresh and new.
I pray for eyes to see you, hands to touch you, and lungs to breathe you
in every step I take.


Carve out extra time today to take a walk and enjoy the presence of God outside. What do you see, hear, taste, smell, and touch that speaks to you of the holy?

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