Pause + Pray

Uphold Justice

Hands of two people holding coffee mugs


To follow Jesus is to commit ourselves to justice. This requires inward change more often than we would like and can be a complicated journey. May this prayer help us live the way of Jesus more authentically in our own hearts.


Jesus, I sometimes resist when my perspective is challenged,
when others cry “injustice” over something I cannot see.
Make my heart humble and teachable to witness the experience of others
so that I can best discern where the pursuit of justice leads.


Identify one thing that has been labeled a “justice issue” but makes you feel uncomfortable. Find at least one thoughtful, clear-headed voice who can share an opposing perspective with you, and resolve to read their words or listen to their voice with an open mind.

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2 thoughts on “Uphold Justice”

  1. Thank you for bringing to me exactly what I needed for this day. Every time I read the words “…and Justice for all” my prayer is that one day it actually will be so!

    1. Michelle E Forsyth

      Ohhhh…love your comment. Yes. I am dealing with the “justice” system myself and realizing my privilege is so humbling. Thank you for your words.

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