Pause + Pray

Waiting for Inspiration

hands holding a glowing lightbulb


For those with a creative streak, the actual process of creation can sometimes be a painstaking one. Whether the medium is canvas or clay, whether a person finds his/her passion making food in the kitchen or seated in front of a piano, the same creative energy is at play. But when that energy dwindles or disappears, it can be frustrating. Our connection to God can help rekindle the flames of inspiration.


Creator and creative God,
Our various abilities and gifts to celebrate and beautify life
Stem from your ever-flowing abundance, generosity, and goodness.
We thank you for endowing us with the spark of creativity,
And we ask for your guidance to channel that energy to building your kingdom.
Help us, Lord, when we are running low on inspiration
To remember that your Spirit is a well from which we can draw at any time,
If we but turn to you and raise a prayer.


Do you have a creative outlet? If so, spend a few minutes today practicing your craft. Many of us are quite good at putting off doing things that we even enjoy because they often require some effort. But these activities also give us and those around us energy. If you’re not a creative type, you can still engage with the arts and absorb the same energy that went into their creation.

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