Pause + Pray

Welcome the Stranger

A immigrant with his family in the background


Most of us love our homelands. Yet millions of people face the choice between providing for those they love and staying in the lands they love. Let our prayer today be for those who travel long distances to provide for their families.


as a child
you were taken to Egypt
to escape danger.

Our ancestors braved the desert
forty years to find a home
in the Promised Land.

I pray for those migrants
who earn their bread
by the sweat of their brows.
May they be welcomed as friends
and treated with the dignity
they deserve. Amen.


Do you know someone who has left their homeland to seek a better life for their family? Offer a prayer for their success, and offer a kind word to them when you see them.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.