Pause + Pray

Why Won’t You Calm My Storms, Lord?

woman watching storm clouds


Jesus tells us that we will have trouble in this world but that we need not fear since he has conquered the world. We know that, and yet we all have times when we are scared. Even the disciples were afraid, as when the storm blew in and Jesus was asleep in the boat (Mt 8:24).


I confess that it often feels like you are asleep in my boat.
I cry out for you to save me, and the storms of my life still knock me about.
I know you are with me, but it frightens and frustrates me
when the storms don’t stop immediately after I call out to you.
Help me remember that you are still with me in the boat of my life,
and you will save me when the time comes.
You work in your timeframe, not mine.


Imagine a time (either present or past) when you called out to Jesus for help. Sit with him now and let him calm the storm in your heart, even if your circumstances remain unchanged.

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Includes Saint of the Day, Minute Meditations, and Pause + Pray.