Pause + Pray

Wisdom in Beauty

People meditating in front of famous painting


The Church has been a champion of beauty for over 2,000 years. At times she may have over emphasized material beauty or been involved in misguided spending, however the Church has left a legacy of beautiful church buildings, literature, music, art, and ideas for all the world to ponder. Just stepping into an ancient cathedral in Europe can lead to conversion. Beauty lifts our hearts, souls, and imaginations to heaven, while enabling us to envision a more beautiful kingdom on earth.


God of beauty, help us always to seek the good, true, and beautiful,
so that we may become like you—good, true, and beautiful.
May we come to recognize beauty even—or especially—in the broken places,
in the broken people.
And when we encounter beauty in the majesty of nature
or the genius of artistic creation, may we give thanks and praise,
for you are always the source.
As conduits of your grace and light, we ask simply to be attuned to your presence.


Meditate on a beautiful statue, painting, or piece of music. What is God saying to you through that work of art?

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