Saint of the Day

Saint Januarius
Saint of the Day

Saint Januarius

Little is known about the life of Januarius. Legend has it that he and his companions were thrown to the bears in the amphitheater of Pozzuoli, but the animals failed to attack them. They were then beheaded, and Januarius’ blood ultimately brought to Naples.

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Saint Januarius

Saint Januarius

Little is known about the life of Januarius. Legend has it that he and his companions were thrown to the bears in the amphitheater of Pozzuoli, but the animals failed to attack them. They were then beheaded, and Januarius' blood ...
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Saint Joseph of Cupertino

Saint Joseph of Cupertino

Joseph of Cupertino is most famous for levitating during prayer. After a short career with the Capuchins, he joined the Conventual Franciscans. Following a brief assignment caring for the friary mule, Joseph began his studies for the priesthood.
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Stained Glass windows Saint Robert Bellarmine

Saint Robert Bellarmine

Saint Robert Bellarmine was ordained in 1570 during a period when the study of theology was in a weakened state. He dedicated his time and energy to the study of Church history, the Fathers of the Church, and to Scripture, ...
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Stained glass windows Saint Cornelius

Saint Cornelius

Cornelius was elected pope “by the judgment of God and of Christ, by the testimony of most of the clergy, by the vote of the people, with the consent of aged priests and of good men” after a 14 month ...
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Our Lady of Sorrows

Our Lady of Sorrows

The principal biblical references to Mary’s sorrows are Simeon’s prediction about a sword piercing Mary’s soul, and Jesus’ words from the cross to Mary and to the beloved disciple. The two passages are brought together as prediction and fulfillment.
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Painting of Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Saint Helena, the mother of Emperor Constantine, is credited with having found the cross on which Jesus was crucified. The cross quickly became an object of veneration.
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